
Fun Fact Friday: 9 Coffee Facts

Hey lovelies!

It’s Fun Fact Friday again, and I’d thought I’d share some great facts about coffee!

To keep you all interested, I’d love if you can keep sending me all of your comments and suggestions. I want to be able to provide strong content that keeps you all coming back for more!

Anyway, back to some hot, hot, hot facts!

  1. 54% of Americans drink coffee every day.
    54 % of Americans...
  2. New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the U.S.
  3. According to a study, coffee improves the reaction time of older adults.
  4. Disney has credited their coffee guy in 8 of their films, including Zootopia and Frozen.
    Disney has credited their coffee guy.png
  5. Coffee with cream cools about 20% slower than black coffee.
  6. The Netherlands is the world’s largest per capita consume of coffee, averaging 2.4 cups of coffee per person per day.
  7. Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity, only behind petroleum.
    Coffee is the world's second most traded commodity
  8. Men who drink 6 or more cups of coffee daily decrease their risk of developing prostate cancer by 25%, a study found.
  9. Americans spend an average of $1,092 on coffee each year.


Well, darlings, I hope you learned something today about all of our favorite drink! Have any facts you want to share? Comment below! I’d love to hear all of your knowledge!



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